Our History
In the summer of 1942 the Reverend Richard Dareing, the associational missionary for the Northeastern Baptist Association, held a tent revival on the site of the old Needmore School. After the revival it was decided to establish Lake Center Baptist Church in this location. Over the years God continued to bless Lake Center and as the church grew in membership it needed to grow in building space. Over the years God has led us to expand. Eventually the original church building that was built in October of 1947 had to be torn down to make room for the new educational space and gym. As we continued to grow, we started construction on a new Worship Center. The old sanctuary is now an indoor playground for our children.
Since our beginnings in 1942 a lot of things have changed. But what has not changed is our love for the Lord and a love for people. We hope this will be evident the first time you visit us. We can’t wait to meet you!
Sunday Morning
You’ll hear worship music, both old and new, done in a vibrant style by our worship team using modern instruments and technology. You may see people with their hands up or down, eyes open or closed, but worship here is all about honoring and giving praise to our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Of course, worship is more than just singing. We also worship God as we hear and apply God’s Word. Our preaching is expository in style, meaning book by book and verse by verse. We believe this is the best way to study God’s word in the context in which it was written. We then look at how these truths apply to us today. Prayer is an important part of our worship as well. Prayer is communication with God. Proper communication is always a “two-way street”. We believe that not only should we talk to God, we should listen for His answer.
When We Meet
Sunday Times
Small Groups: 9:30am | Worship Service: 10:45am | Bible Study: 5:00 PM
Wednesday Times
Growing in God Youth and Children’s Program: 4 to 7 PM
29020 S Hwy 125 Monkey Island, OK 74331
Who We Are
Lake Center is made up of people from all walks of life.
We are a multi-generational church.
We are all at different stages in our walk with Christ.
Some are new believers just learning to walk with Christ and some have been believers for years.
We believe in walking through life together and we understand that no matter where we are in our walk with Christ, we have something to offer to each other. We desperately need each other.
What To Expect
If you are a first time visitor, we encourage you to stop by our welcome booth where you will find some of our people who will be happy to show you around and help you find your place.
What kind of church is Lake Center Baptist Church?Lake Center is a place of grace welcoming people from all walks of life. We value children, students, and families and believe the Bible adds value to real life situations. Lake Center wants everyone to know Jesus in a personal, experiential way and come to know, love and serve Him and make Him known.
What are your services like?Lake Center services focus mostly on worship and preaching. We’ll share some announcements, worship God through music, and hear a message from God’s word. Song lyrics and Scriptures will be on our screens to make it easier to participate. We also use theater lighting to help draw our focus to what is going on in the service. During our music time, some people stand, some sit. Some lift their hands, some don’t. You do what makes you comfortable. You’ll fit right in either way. Both before and after the service, our lobby and the Koinonia Cafe is open to talk more with people you’ve met and grab a donut, a cup of coffee, cappuccino or hot chocolate.
Will I be expected to give money when I come?At each service we collect tithes and offerings, because God calls us to (Mal. 3:10), and because that’s how any church receives funding to operate. As our guest, don’t feel any obligation to give unless you are led of the Holy Spirit to do so. |
What about my kids?On Sunday mornings, a well-trained and fully staffed nursery is available during our Small Groups and Worship Services for ages 4 and younger.
During the 9:30 Small Group time we have Bible Study for newborn-12th grade. We divide the groups as follows; Newborn – 3 years, 4 years – Kindergarten, 1st – 3rd grades, 4th – 6th grades, and 7th – 12th grades.
In our 10:45 Worship Service we will dismiss 4 year old’s – 3rd grade to Children’s Church after the music. They are more than welcome to stay with you as we understand it can be stressful for first timers to be away from their parents. We would love to have them join our kids in Children’s Church, but the decision is yours.
Will I have to say anything, sign anything, or be singled out?Rest assured that you won’t be put on the spot, singled-out, or embarrassed. We do like to collect some basic information from first time visitors, but if you’d prefer not to, that’s alright with us. If you are a First Time Guest on Sunday, please stop by our welcome table in the lobby for a welcome gift. |
Have Questions?
Get in touch with us via our contact form below